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Sex drives are a finicky thing. Everything from your menstrual cycle to how much stress you’re under at work can cause a slight change. But a sudden change in your libido could also be a sign of an underlying medical issue in some cases (we’ll touch on this later).
Before we get into the details, it’s important to understand that there’s no “right” or “wrong” sex drive for females. And there definitely isn’t any kind of rule for how often people should be having sex
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Female Libido Booster Pills in Pakistan By definition, you’ll be diagnose with hypo-active physical attraction disorder. If you regularly lack sexual thoughts or desire, and also the absence of these feelings causes personal distress. Whether you fit this diagnosis or not, your doctor can search for reasons. That your sex drive isn’t as high as you’d like and find ways to help
Talking with a sex therapist or counselor skilled in addressing sexual concerns can help with low drive. Therapy often includes education about sexual response and techniques. Your therapist or counselor likely will provide recommendations for reading materials or couples’ exercises. Couples counseling that addresses relationship issues can also help Increase Feelings of Intimacy and Desire