Slim Trim Active Capsule In Pakistan

Slim Trim Active Capsule In Pakistan

  • Rs 2500
  • Rs 3000
  • Product Size : 120 Capsules
  • Category :Weight Loss
  • Imported From : india
  • Item From : Slim Trim Active Capsule
  • Availability: In Stock

Slim Trim Active 120mg Capsule is a medicine used in the treatment of obesity. It helps the body in blocking the absorption of fats from the small intestines and stomach.

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Slim Trim Active Capsule In Pakistan

Product Description

Slim Trim Active 120mg Capsule is a medicine used in the treatment of obesity. It helps the body in blocking the absorption of fats from the small intestines and stomach.

Slim Trim Active 120mg Capsule should be taken along with food in the dose and duration as per prescription. It must be swallowed as a whole. It works best when it is used along with regular physical activity and a healthy diet. It should not be taken for a long term unless your doctor tells you to do so. For better efficacy of the medicine, fat-rich foods should be avoided along with the medicine.

Some of the common side effects of Slim Trim Active 120mg Capsule include the presence of fat in the stool, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If any of the side effects bother you, tell your doctor without delay.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women must take this medicine only with a valid prescription. Inform your doctor before taking the medicine if you have any other medical conditions or are taking any other medications. This medicine should not be considered as a long-term treatment unless you are prescribed by your doctor.

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